This page will provide you with information regarding our commitment to providing our patients with equal opportunity. There is also a section on costings for work outside of the doctor’s NHS contracted protocol this would include supporting medical reports for work, housing, school, DVLA etc. These are also subject to the doctor’s discretion based on the national BMA (British Medical Association) charges.
- Our commitment to equality framework
- Publication Scheme
- Practice charges for non clinical work
Accessible Information Standard
Our Commitment to Equality and Patient Experience
Equality Objectives 2015 & NHS Patient Experience Framework
The Equality Act 2010 places certain responsibilities on public sector organizations such as hospitals.
These are:
- To eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimization
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not
- Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not
- To publish equality objectives at least every four years
- Provide information to demonstrate their compliance with the equality duty at least annually
Currently the public sector Equality Duty applies to all public authorities, including NHS organizations, so covers acute hospitals, primary care trusts, strategic health authorities, mental health and community trusts, ambulance trusts and all foundation trusts.
So what does this mean for our Practice – well at present, there is no obligation for us to publish Equality Objectives. However we take our responsibilities seriously and share the ethos of this initiative. Therefore we offer this commitment to our staff and patients:
“that we will not discriminate against any person on the grounds of”:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race – this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality
- Religion or belief – this includes lack of belief
- Gender
- Sexual orientation
Furthermore the practice, in accordance with the Equality Act, also explicitly recognizes that disabled peoples’ needs may be different from those of non-disabled people.
For example, our practice premises are audited each year to ensure that we comply with the requirements of the Equality Duty Act. So we provide disabled car parking spaces, lowered section of our reception desk, hearing loop and wheelchair accessibility. In addition, the Practice Manager has attended specific training around the needs of patients who are partially sighted or blind, those with learning disabilities patients who are hearing impaired. This training has been cascaded through the staff team. The records of those patients are duly noted in order to prompt the reception team to offer additional help as required.
The practice has a range of policies that apply to all staff and visitors to the building, which cover every aspect of our duties under the Equality Act. These ensure that all our staff are treated fairly and without discrimination in any form.
For our patients, we will not discriminate in the offer of admission to our practice list, treatment or service. The only limitation (not covered by the Equality Duty Act) is that of geographical location. This is to ensure that we are able to offer a full service, so meeting the Health & Social Care Bill requirement to provide local services for local people.
Through Solihull CCG, the local clinical commissioning group, we will try to ensure that any decisions about policies, service improvement or implementation take account of disabled peoples’ needs through appropriate consultation. When Solihull CCG became a legal entity in its own right, it keeps a responsibility under the Act, to publish its own Equality Policy and Objectives.
In order to do this they are basing their objectives on the equality information that they collect. For example, the police authority when reviewing its policy on hate crime finds that 68% of all hate crime reported is described as being homophobic. It would therefore make sense for the police authority to publish an objective on how it is to address hate crime.
For us, we do not have this style of data and therefore, apart from making a general commitment to you, our patients, it is hard for us to be able to set specific objectives. We do take into account all comments, suggestions and complaints when reviewing our service provision. We would encourage any patient who feels that we have not met our commitment, to contact the Practice Manager to discuss their concerns. We are fully committed to improving all aspects of the services we offer, but are unable to do this without your help and feedback. If you would like to take this a step further you are very welcome to join our Patient Participation Group.
We are also committed to supporting the NHS Patient Experience Framework. In October 2011, the NHS Quality team agreed on some measures to help the NHS measure patient experience of services. The framework or objectives gives details on the main areas where patient experience matters most. These are
- Respect for patient values, preference and needs which include dignity, privacy, an awareness of quality of life issues and to ensure the patient shares in the decision process about their treatment – In the Health & Social Care Bill this is called “no decision about me without me”
- That NHS services will coordinate and integrate with each other to provide you with a smooth transfer between services, for example when your GP refers you to a hospital consultant
- Information, communication and education – so to make sure we tell other clinical staff enough about you for them to be able to treat you effectively, tell you your results and treatments and help you to look after yourself
- Physical comfort – this means things like helping patients with pain management and relief to ensuring our practice premises are clean and comfortable
- Emotional support – to help you understand your condition and treatment so that you do not feel as anxious or frightened, and look at the impact of any illness, on you, your family and your finances
- Welcoming the involvement of family and friends on whom you as a patient might rely, for example a carer
- Transition and continuity – this probably applies mainly to hospital but for your GP it would mean supporting you to becoming independent and self caring after either an illness or operation, or perhaps having been diagnosed with a long term condition such as diabetes
- Access to care – how easy it is to contact us by telephone, book appointments and even how long you have to wait to be called by the doctor for your appointment. We already undertake patient surveys every year around this topic and are always striving to improve.——————————————————-
Publication Scheme
Information available from Hobs Moat Medical Centre (providing personal medical services under contract to the NHS) under the Freedom of Information Act model publication scheme
Information covered by this scheme is only about the primary, general or personal medical services we provide under contract to the National Health Service.
Please note that where a fee is chargeable, this is made using the guidance in ‘Fees Regulations’ under the Freedom of Information Act published by the Information Commissioner’s Office (Version 1 October 2008)
Information to be published | How the information can be obtained(eg hard copy, website) | Cost |
Class1 – Who we are and what we do
The six partners of this Practice are Dr Stephen Cowles, Dr Brian Crichton, Dr Alison Matthews, Dr Nick Ridge, Dr Amit Banerjee and Dr Struthi Gowda. The partners are independent contractors who have an individual contract with Solihull Care Trust to provide primary care services for registered patients of the Practice. Please note some information will be withheld, including personal, confidential information about individuals, which is protected by the Data Protection Act |
Website at
Our contact details are:
E mail requests can be made via our Practice Manager, Sandra Reynolds on sandra.reynolds@nhs. |
Hobs Moat Medical Centre Ulleries Road Solihull West Midlands B92 8EDTelephone 0121 742 5211 Fax 0121 722 8000
Open Times
Closed during bank holidays |
We open Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm | |
We have 2 assistant doctors working at the Practice, a team of Practice nurses supported by a Health Care Assistant, reception and administration staff and associated clinical staff such as midwives, physiotherapists, Health Visitors and Speech and Language therapists | Details of our staff can be found on our website or in our Practice Leaflet | Free |
Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it
(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit) Current and previous financial year as a minimum |
We produce annual accounts each year, however, these contain details of income that falls outside of this publication scheme. We will provide details of NHS income and how we spend it on request in writing addressed to Sandra Reynolds, Practice Manager | Free |
Total cost to the PCT/LHB/HSSB of our contracted services. | As above | |
Audit of NHS income | As above | |
Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing
(Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews) Current and previous year as a minimum |
We have a 3 year business plan which can be obtained on request in writing
Plans for the development and provision of NHS services | We are part of a local Practice Based Commissioning consortium aiming to improve both the services and access in South Solihull. You may ask to see the business plan by writing to Sandra Reynolds, care of the Practice | Free |
Class 4 – How we make decisions
(Decision making processes and records of decisions) Current and previous year as a minimum |
We make decisions as a Practice or partnership based on our best judgement of what would bring most benefit to our patients | |
Records of decisions made in the practice affecting the provision of NHS services | Records of major decisions are kept in the form of Practice meeting minutes – you may ask for a copy of these, but you will only be provided with the sections of the minutes that relate to decisions made about how we spend NHS income or what services we intend to provide under the terms of our contract | Free |
Class 5 – Our policies and procedures
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities |
Policies and procedures about the employment of staff | Held | 10p per sheet copied |
Internal instructions to staff and policies relating to the delivery of services | Held | As above |
Equality and diversity policy | Held | As above |
Health and safety policy | Held | As above |
Complaints procedures (including those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme) | Held | As above |
Records management policies (records retention, destruction and archive) | Held | As above |
Data protection policies | Held | As above |
Policies and procedures for handling requests for information | Held | As above |
Patients’ charter | Held | As above |
Class 6 – Lists and Registers
Currently maintained lists and registers only |
Not applicable | |
Any publicly available register or list (if any are held this should be publicised; in most circumstances existing access provisions will suffice) | ||
Class 7 – The services we offer(Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public)
Current information only |
Our website provides the majority of information about our Practice. However, you can also obtain a practice leaflet from reception along with copies of our most recent newsletters. | Free |
The services provided under contract to the NHS | ||
Charges for any of these services | No charges are made for services falling within the scope of the NHS. However, certain vaccinations are not covered by the NHS. Where charges apply, you will be advised of this in advance of treatment | |
Information leaflets | Freely available in our waiting room | |
Out of hours arrangements | Solihull Care Trust are responsible for the Out of Hours Services in this area |
We welcome suggestions about how the publications themselves might be improved.
Any questions, comments or complaints about this Scheme should be sent in writing to the Practice Manager at Hobs Moat Medical Centre.
If you have a complaint about the operation of the combined Publication Scheme, or how we have dealt with your request for information from the Scheme, please write to the Practice Manager at Hobs Moat Medical Centre. If you feel that we have not dealt with your complaint adequately, you may take the complaint further to the Information Commissioner. Details of how to do this are available from the Practice Manager at Hobs Moat Medical Centre, Ulleries Road, Solihull West Midlands, B90 8ED.
Fees for information outside of NHS clinical work
Fees for information outside of NHS clinical work
This includes all information that is required for a doctor to complete for any private purpose outside of NHS Hospitals and other signposted health centres within the NHS family such as private health insurance, solicitors paperwork, schools, holidays, fitness for sport, passports etc.
*BMA – British Medical Association
Private Medical Claim Forms for completion £60.50 £35.00
Accident/Benefit Claim Form £60.50 £35.00
Holiday Cancellation or Insurance Forms £60.50 £35.00
Fitness to Travel even with a medical condition £60.50 £40.00
Hepatitis B injections £35 each or £105 course
Certificate for MenACWy £35 certificate and injection
Private Prescriptions £10 charge for prescription and additional charge for drug at pharmacy
Private Sick Note £60.50 £30.00
(incapacity certificate, required by a patient for employer)
Fitness for sport £60.50 £30.00
(a patient wishes to exercise with a known medical condition)
Unfit for sport £60.50 £40.00
(a patient wishes to be exempt from private contracts due to sickness, i.e gym membership, booked events etc..)
HGV examination and report £136.00 £85.00
Health reports (on a questionnaire no examination) £86.00 £70.00
Health report (detailed written opinion on patient, no examination) £128.00 £95.00
Straightforward certificate of fact £17.00 £17.00
Extract of medical report £50.00 £10.00
You may ask yourself……Surely the doctor is being paid anyway?
“It is important to understand that many GPs are not employed by the NHS. They are self-employed and they have to cover their costs – staff, buildings, heating, lighting, etc. The NHS covers NHS work only. Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from their patients NHS medical care.
When a doctor signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a condition of the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true. In order to complete forms the doctor might have to check the patient’s entire medical record. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor with the General Medical Council (the doctors’ regulatory body) or even the Police.”